A woman visited her eye doctor due to discomfort thought she suffered from dry eye, but, it turns out she didn't understand that when you put contacts in, you have to take the old ones out.
Her Doctor found 27 old contact lenses in her eye. At first they found 17 all stuck together, then discovered 10 more behind her eyelid. She's 67-year-old and has worn contact lenses for 35 years, but admitted she doesn't go to the eye doctor regularly.
How is this possible? How could she not realize there was a chunk of plastic lenses in her eye? There's got to be something more going on with this lady.
Here's the full story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/07/17/doctor-finds-27-contact-lenses-lost-in-womans-eye-british-medical-journal-reports/?utm_term=.07bff2cb83fa