Mix Mornings with Gary Rivers

Mix Mornings with Gary Rivers

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Gary Rivers Interviews Kate Kalvach, from Season 22 of THE VOICE

KATE KALVACH, 27 (9-10AM et)

Team Blake

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Resident: Oklahoma City, OK

Kate grew up a pastor's kid and started singing in her parents' church. Kate's parents are both very musical and have influenced her tremendously. Even though Kate comes from a church background, she enjoys writing and singing pop songs. Kate met her husband, Matt, in college through the jazz band. Matt is an up-and-coming rapper from the Czech Republic. Their music passions brought them together and they married in 2018. Sharpening each other with their differences, Matt has pushed Kate out of her comfort zone and is one of the main reasons she is performing on "The Voice."

Song: "Every Rose Has its Thorn," by Poison

Performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euYOssLvFRw

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