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School Crossing Guard Saves Kids When Driver Doesn’t Stop

Crossing guard helps students cross street

Photo: SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images

Last week, a school crossing guard in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, acted quickly to protect two elementary students when a driver sped through a crosswalk in a school zone without stopping. The incident happened after school on Tuesday when the Washington Elementary School students were crossing the street in front of the school and the driver didn’t slow down or yield. The crossing guard pulled the children back just in time but fell in the process and sustained minor injuries. She’s since recovered and returned to work.

Police say the kids weren’t harmed, but they were pretty shaken up by the incident. After interviewing the driver, authorities confirmed that they’d ignored the speed limit and were not paying attention to the road. The driver was cited for inattentive driving and officials are using the incident to remind the public of the importance of safe driving in school zones.

Lieutenant Jeremiah Johnson of the Beaver Dam Police Department stressed the need for drivers to slow down and stay alert, particularly around schools. He says that cars speeding near schools is an ongoing concern in the community, especially during pickup and drop-off times. Local law enforcement is increasing their efforts to address the issue to help prevent future incidents.

Source: WMTV 15 NEWS

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